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2011-12-08 - ATRT Recommendation 5 Board Compensation (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-12-08 - Approval of Minutes of 28 October 2011 ICANN Regular Board Meeting (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-12-08 - Approval of Minutes of 28 October 2011 ICANN Organizational Board Meeting (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-12-08 - Approval of Minutes of 22 October 2011 ICANN Board Meeting (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Receipt of Communique from the African Union (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Posting of Expert's Report on Board Compensation (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Membership of Board-Governmental Advisory Committee Working Group (Transparency and Accountability Projects)